My Philosophy

Positive Mental Attitude

The punk scene taught me the name for it, my mom instilled in it me. My glass is not half full, it’s overflowing. Iv’e got that PMA.

Fail Fast

You learn from failing. Sometimes it take days, even months to fail. I skip to the end as quick as possible to move on to the next thing.

Lead By Example

The best leaders are those that go unseen. When my work is done the team and community will believe they did it by themselves.


Nights, Weekends, Holidays

If you own your own business, Nights, Weekends & Holidays don’t apply to you. The sooner you accept this the better.

The Radiohead

It’s possible to appeal to the smartest and the most simple person in the room at the same time. It’s not easy but it should be your goal.

Enthusiasm Goes A Long Way

I have won many jobs that I was not the most qualified for but I had the most passion and excitement about the project or opportunity.

‘The Rules’ 18 x 24 acrylic and Krink K-42 on panel

‘The Rules’ 18 x 24 acrylic and Krink K-42 on panel