Self Portrait as Larry Bird

Self Portrait as Larry Bird

I’m (one of) the most successful Cannabis brand builders in America.

Preferring to stay behind the scenes, I enable both Cannabis & main stream brands to connect with Cannabis consumers.

I run the award winning IP Development & Branding firm Green Street, founders of the world's top Cannabis B2B show, Hall of Flowers.

Currently I’m either buying domain names, producing the 420 Experience, or curating Green Street’s community epicenter in the Pacific Palisades that hosts the world's leading Cannabis brands.

Self Portrait at Jackson Pollock’s Studio

Self Portrait at Jackson Pollock’s Studio

My Passions



I’m an avid collector and creator of contemporary art. Ex-gallerist in San Francisco & Los Angeles, currently learning how to paint and sculpt in Palm Springs.


My dream is to design and build my own ‘case study’ house in California before I die. I had a dream one time that I built it full size out of Legos.


It all started with building and fixing skateboard ramps growing up. Now I design and build tables, chairs and whatever else I need at the house or office.



I designed the logos & album covers for most of bands on my record label. From this I learned about the powers and values of branding.


I ran a multiple successful record labels, produced hundreds of shows, tours & festivals, managed major label artists all because I couldn’t play drums.


I would consider myself a funny person and almost all my hero’s are comedians. Years ago my friend made me an amazing custom that said ‘I Love Fun’.